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We “the two proprietors” of XMax have joint car audio experience of over 50 years, both of us started at a very young age building some of the best car audio systems in Australia. Many magazine appearances including InCar Entertainment, Hot 4’s etc. Over the years we have been involved in other business ventures including building complete show cars, leading towards allot of fibreglass experience building custom body panels and body its. This knowledge lends itself to the manufacture of top quality subwoofer boxes. Its very rare to find the combined experience in these two fields. Generally, you are either car audio or fibreglass, not both.

We understand how a speaker works, the effects of enclosure design have on a speaker, but we also understand the limiting nature of many of the new cars and limited space. We still believe that many of our clients realise the importance of buying quality, buying once and doing it right the first time. Audio is a passion and therefore requires attention to detail.